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Drivers License Reinstatement Clinic

Monday, November 23, 2020 10:25 AM | EJCBA Executive Director (Administrator)

Dear 8th Circuit attorney,

Can you spare a few hours over the next few months to help someone get their Florida drivers license restored?  The loss of a drivers license typically leads to a cascade of problems, including job loss and mounting penalties and fines.  The EJCBA is assisting County Judge Kristine Van Vorst by seeking lawyers to assist her with her "Drivers License Reinstatement Clinic" project, which is in its 3rd year of successfully helping local citizens to regain their licenses.  You would receive online training beforehand, and have a UF law student assigned to assist you throughout the process.  The Drivers License Reinstatement Clinic event will be held online via Zoom on February 5, 2021.  

Your time commitment would be about 1-2 hours during the 30 days prior to February 5th, when you would be working with a participant to get them ready for the event, and then about 2 hours on February 5th during the event (we'll work with your schedule that day).  Our role as lawyers will be to help the participants to identify the unpaid fines and penalties that led to their license being revoked, so that they can repay them.  At the February 5th event, Judge Van Vorst and her team will have all of the necessary players present via Zoom breakout rooms, to process these debts so that the drivers licenses may be restored (i.e., the Clerk of Court, DHSMV, the tax collector, the Dept. of Revenue, etc.).

If you would like to participate in this EJCBA Pro Bono activity (and earn pro bono hours), simply email Ray Brady, Esq., at Rbrady1959@gmail.com.  It is anticipated that participant registration will be limited to 100, and each lawyer will be asked to accept 5 participants total.  Thank you, as always, for dedicating your time and talents to assisting the under-served and under-resourced members of our 8th Circuit community!  For additional information about the license restoration process, click on the video link below.

Drivers License Reinstatement Clinic Video


Raymond F. Brady
Chair, EJCBA Pro Bono Committee

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Office: 352-380-0333 

Eighth Judicial Circuit Bar Association, Inc.
PO Box 140893 Gainesville, FL 32614

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